Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thanks god???

 had not realized that ESL(English as a Second Language) learners usually misuse the expression 'thank god' before I am lectured by a teacher in Canada.
The right expression which we used to say 'Thanks god!' is 'Thank god!!!!!!'
Let us do not let people know that we are English Learners saying 'Thanks god' or 'Thank you god'

[출처] Thanks god???|작성자 Jung Min

New Version of jungmin's station

I opened a new blog for Korean learners who have difficulty understanding my posts.
I am planning to make Korean and Chinese translated versions.
Please visit my another blog and keep visiting this blog, too.
The only difference between the new one and this is whether or not there are Korean translated postings.
Thank you for visiting and reading this immature postings.
I am doing and also will do my best improving the quality of every single posting.

you can visit the new version if you click the title of this posting.